Recipe For An Old-Fashioned Appalachian Cobbler

Recipe For An Old-Fashioned Appalachian Cobbler


I love some good ol’ cobbler better than just about any other dessert out there. My personal favorite is blackberry right now – blueberry, peach, cherry and strawberry are all great too. Cobbler has long been a favorite treat in Appalachia due to the simplicity of making it and, more importantly, the availability of ingredients…not to mention the amazing taste.

Blackberry Cobbler

There are a lot of recipes floating around to make cobbler but this one is quite simple and tasty, all you need is:

1 cup of self-rising flour

1 cup of sugar

1 cup of milk

4 cups of blackberries (or other fruit)

6 tablespoons of butter

Heat the oven to 350 degrees

Melt the butter in an 8-inch (or 9×13) square baking dish

Mix the flour, sugar and milk together in a bowl then pour it over the butter evenly

Spread the blackberries (or other fruit) over the top

Bake for approximately an hour (or until you can put a toothpick in the middle and it comes out clean)

Video of the making of an old-timey Appalachia cobbler.
Many an Appalachian cook has whipped up a cobbler over time.

I love eating a bowl full while it is still hot with a little vanilla ice cream thrown on top for good measure.

Just like there’s more than one way to skin a cat, there’s numerous different ways people make their cobbler. Some people use an egg, a little lemon juice or throw in more butter – just depends on what you like. I use this recipe because it is just so simple which is great since, well, I am a man with no cooking prowess. I’d love to hear other recipes or ingredients in the comments if anyone would be willing to share.